Bookmarks (2025)

This page includes links of sites or articles on the internet that might worth a check. Some are enlisted for the content they provide, others for their page design.

1. Sites

2. Articles

3. Channels

Video channels are listed here

Eli the Computer Guy @elithecomputerguy
computer tutorials
tutorials on fighting games
Core Dumped @CoreDumpped (sic)
nicely arranged videos on how computers work
Tsoding Daily @TsodingDaily
live stream on C and stuff
Gavin Greeborn @GavinFreeborn
Talks on Lisp, Emacs, Vim, etc.
Zara Dar (Darcy) @zara-dar
Nir Lichtman @nirlichtman
Topics on software in general
dr Jonas Birch @dr-Jonas-Birch
C Tutorials
You Suck at Programming @yousuckatprogramming
Bash stuff
conference talks on system scaling
math stories
FreeBSD content
videos on what's happening in software industry
literally computer science lessons
computer science and math
reverse engineering
The Computer Chronicles @ComputerChroniclesYT
history vidoes of the eponymous TV program
3D printing, 3D coding, 3D animation, etc.
Physics with Professor Matt Anderson @yoprofmatt
lectures about physics
Linux and electronics, etc.
crash course on STEM topics
DevWorm @dev-worm
Godot tutorials
trash talk on software industry with memes
bycloud @bycloudAI
Fireship style talk in machine learning industry
educational videos on STEM
Jean Makes Games @jeanmakesgames
Godot tutorials @freecodecamp
tutorials on coding in general